
Boys’ uniform: grey jumper with crest, school tie, grey trousers and grey shirt.
Girls’ uniform: grey jumper with crest, school tie, grey skirt and white shirt.
Tracksuit: grey sweatshirt, black tracksuit bottoms and white polo shirt.
Shoes: shoes/runners with no laces are highly recommended. Young children cannot manage laces and as a result they are a health and safety risk. We have over 250 children under 7 and, as you can understand, it is impossible to ensure everyone’s laces remain tied all day.
P.E. days vary for each class. Your class teacher will inform you in September. Tracksuits and runners must be worn on P.E. days and the school uniform must be worn on all other days.
Please have a change of clothes in your child’s school bag daily, to help in the event of an accident. (Underwear, socks and tracksuit bottoms or leggings)
St. Malachy's Infants' School, Anne Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth | Phone: 042 9338130