
St. Malachy’s Infants’ School was founded in 1898 by the Dominican Fathers and is a school with a reputation for excellence. The school often referred to as “The Friary” is an Infant School comprising of Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Classes. The staff is therefore very experienced and interested in the education of young children.
The Friary was one of the first schools to be established in Dundalk. Many of our present pupils have parents and grandparents who attended the school. Some members of our teaching staff are past pupils and have happy memories of our days in the Friary.
St. Malachy’s has often been described as a “traditional school”. We are proud of that reputation but we are also aware of, and embrace the latest and best of the educational trends as outlined in the new curriculum. We recognise the importance of parents in the education of their children so we encourage and welcome parental involvement in all aspects of school life.
The ethos of the school is Catholic and we place great emphasis on the development of the whole child. The code of discipline is one, which recognises rewards and encourages positive behaviour.
The Infants’ School is part of a larger community of schools comprising St. Malachy’s Girls’ School and St. Malachy’s Boys’ School. On completion of First class our pupils graduate to one of these schools. Each school has a separate Principal but communication and interaction between them is positive and on-going.
St. Malachy's Infants' School, Anne Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth | Phone: 042 9338130